Member Directory

NBC members have permission to view the online directory.

if You know your Username & Password

Use your login info to access the online directory.


if You DO NOT know your Username & Password

Go to the login area of the directory, click "forgot password." Then enter the email address you gave NBC in the past and the system will send an email with login instructions. If you're a member and the email address matches what we have for you, you'll be able to see the directory.


Still need help?

Get the App!

Self check-in for your kids, online giving, member directory, and more!

Get the SimpleChurch app!

Why use the mobile app? To see the member directory, to submit attendance for your group, to give online, and even to check-in the kids!

Once you have your login credentials (see above), you can download the app for iPhone or Android devices.

When asked to login, the domain = northfieldbaptist. After that, your username and password are the same on the app as in the web browser.


Get the SimpleChurch app for iPhone.


Get the SimpleChurch app for Android.